In a month when there is a fifth Sunday (so, 4-5 times a year), we do not have any gatherings on Sunday.
We encourage (implore, even) all to use this weekend for extended rest. Get off the machines, devices, and screens. Put the phone away. Shut off the work computer. Take a drive. Go away if you can. Do it in groups if you can. Take a hike. Go for walks. Enjoy some great meals. Play with your dog/cat/fish/bird/sloth. Give thanks to God for the resources and production of the earth, made both by your hands and those of others.
We hope to have organized retreats on these weekends from time-to-time. And you'd better bet that we use these weekends for staff retreats, development, and planning.
Please don't just sit at home as if "church" isn't happening. Rather, use the time intentionally to seek the rest God has given you. Sabbath is made for us.
(Of course, sabbath should be practiced weekly and not just four times a year. And yes, the biblical Sabbath is Saturday. So you are encouraged to use a whole day each week to rest in the Lord.)